Featured in news:
Updates about the Dutch Environment and Planning Act
Developments happen fast in the field of Dutch Environment and Planning Law and have implications for the flood risk safety-norms, instruments and procedures. Here we list the updates from the corona time (April and March/2019) about the most important developments to keep AllRisk partners and interested users up-to-date.
01/04/2020 by Monica Lanz
View detailsUpcoming NCR events
We join the events of the Netherlands Centre for River studies (NCR) and foster discussion between research and practice.
Featured in blogs:
Which of the major challenges in Houston could we tackle together with Dutch expertise?
Matthijs Kok (TUDelft) interviewed Dr Charlie Penland, principal at the engineering firm Walter P in Houston, with 21 USA and five international offices. Charlie's special interest is in "low-impact" development, hydraulic design, hydrologic analysis, and flood protection.
27/09/2021 by Prof. dr. ir. Matthijs Kok
View detailsWhich of the major challenges in Houston could we tackle together with Dutch expertise?
27/09/2021 by Prof. dr. ir. Matthijs Kok
Matthijs Kok (TUDelft) interviewed Dr Charlie Penland, principal at the engineering firm Walter P in Houston, with 21 USA and five international offices. Charlie's...
From working in exploration projects to playing in an orchestra: Tips for science-practice collaboration
04/03/2021 by Juliette Cortes Arevalo
Roula Dambrink and Maartje van Dijk, are the All-Risk former and current program officers from the Netherlands Organisation of scientific research (NWO). They both...
Joint HWBP and All-Risk effort to make maximum use of the results of the sheet pile test in Eemdijk
31/01/2021 by Prof. dr. ir. Matthijs Kok
The paths of Matthijs Kok (program leader of All-Risk), Arny Lengkeek (advisor geotechnical engineering with 20 years of experience and PhD student in All-Risk...
Interview with Jan Hateboer (Fryslân water board): dike reinforcement requires area-based collaboration
28/01/2021 by Martijn van Staveren
Jan Hateboer (project manager at Fryslân water board) shares in an interview with Martijn van Staveren (All-Risk researcher) his experiences with the implementation of...
Featured in events:
Reflection: The biggest flood risk in the rivers - bifurcation points or piping?
Flood risk along the Rhine branches: Flood risks along the major rivers continuously demand our attention. During this All-Risk webinar, we called attention to new research on the role of two of the mechanisms that influence flood risk: the two main bifurcations of the Rhine branches and the role of the failure mechanism piping. Can it be plausibly argued that one of the two causes are dominant?
27/05/2021 by Prof. dr. ir. Matthijs Kok
View details12/05/2022
Dijkwerkersdag 2022 - Towards Improved Flood Defences
On Thursday, May 12, 2022, the annual Dike Day will take place in theatre Spant! in Bussum. The research team of All-Risk will take this opportunity to present their e-book as input for the discussions and activities planned for this day.
Reflection: Looking beyond reinforcement
Implementing large-scale infrastructure projects for flood risk management requires good collaboration between water authorities, municipalities, landowners and societal organisations.
Reflection: Data-driven dike enforcements - Constructive feedback from new and historical sources
The technical assessment of dike reinforcement projects in the Netherlands is flooded with data. Before, during and after dike reinforcements, a lot of data is collected and stored. This webinar attempts to bridge the gap between conventional and new data sources by presenting new methods for improving dike safety through data and discussing the general use of different data sources.
Reflection: Foreshores - useful for manageable flood safety or just beautiful nature?
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, salt marshes were mainly created for agriculture in the North of the Netherlands. More recently, we have reconsidered the value of these vegetated foreshores for flood safety.
Reflection: Risk-based inspection and interactions between failure mechanisms
Safety standards of flood defences are based on probabilities of flooding. Using a variety of failure models and statistical methods, we try to assess these probabilities as good as possible, in order to take effective measures for flood risk reduction. The question is how well we actually have insight into the flooding probability, and whether we take all relevant factors into account.
Reflection: Macro stability - better parameters or models or do we need to reinforce the dikes?
Macro instability of the inner slope is an important failure mechanism that has a large influence on the costs of dike reinforcements and their impacts on the landscape. There are various uncertainties considering the strength parameters and models. There seem to be various options when a dike does not meet the standards: better parameter estimation, better models, or realize a conservative and expansive reinforcement. Which options could we explore to deal with macro instability in an efficient manner?
Featured in news:
The day of the dike worker Emma Avoyan
The All-Risk research is particularly useful to the Dutch Protection Program (HWBP). Such is the case of Emma Avoyan researcher at Radboud University into the collaborative efforts of the dike reinforcement projects so that the HWBP magazine featured a day of her work.
31/08/2020 by Emma Avoyan
View detailsCross-Project Macro Stability Exploration (in Dutch)
Within the total tasking of the Flood Protection Programme, the failure mechanism macro stability is the most important cost item for dike sections that...
Eemdijk test: dike with sheet piles has collapsed (in Dutch)!
The test dike with sheet piles collapsed on March 17 around 4 pm. The results of this trial will be used by all dike...
PhD Defence - Wave propagation over foreshores
03/11/2021 by Christopher H. Lashley
High water in Limburg during the summer 2021
11/10/2021 by Prof. dr. ir. Bas Jonkman
Commissioned by the Dutch Expertise Network for Flood Protection (ENW), a broad consortium of knowledge institutions, led by Delft University of Technology and Deltares,...
Featured in newsletters:
All-Risk newsletters
From now on until March 2022, the All-Risk newsletter will be published approximately every six months. Each newsletter will feature one of the five project themes to introduce you to the researchers and the partners who have so far benefited from All-Risk work.
25/06/2020 by Juliette Cortes Arevalo
View detailsDigital magazine of the Flood Protection Program
29/09/2020 by Prof. dr. ir. Matthijs Kok
The Flood Protection Program (also known in Dutch as HWBP), an alliance of the 21 water regional authorities and the Dutch Ministry of Water...
All-Risk newsletters
25/06/2020 by Juliette Cortes Arevalo
From now on until March 2022, the All-Risk newsletter will be published approximately every six months. Each newsletter will feature one of the five...
Featured in videos:
The Wide green dike a pilot reinforcement project on the Wadden Sea area
21/04/2020 by Richard Marijnissen
View details