NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.
Tomorrow’s Rivers
Niesten et al. - 2024 - PublicationsCurrent themes in Dutch river research
R.S.E.W. Leuven, A.G. van Os, P.H. Nienhuis - 01/10/2003
From sediment transport, morphology and ecology to river basin management
E. Stouthamer, A.G. van Os - 01/12/2001
Het begin van een nieuwe reeks
A.F. Wolters, C.J. Sloff, E.C.L. Marteijn (Eds.) - 01/12/2000
Advies om de juridische status van waterveiligheidsnormen onder de omgevingswet
W.J. van Doorn-Hoekveld, H.K. Gilissen, F.A.G. Groothuijse & H.F.M.W. van Rijswick - - All-RiskSubsite Report
Poster "River Dune Dynamics during High and Low Flows"
- Rivers2MorrowSubsite Poster
Poster (Engels) "Channel Bed Erosion Characteristics at the Upper Dutch Rhine Bifurcation Region"
- Rivers2MorrowSubsite
Poster "Residual Sediment Transport in a Stratified Estuary"
- Rivers2MorrowSubsite Poster
Poster (Engels) "Introduction Trends in Suspended Sediment Fluxes across the Rhine River Basin (1958-2016)"
- Rivers2MorrowSubsite
FRM in focus: video
- Future FRM TechSubsite Video & Audio
Global Sensitivity Analysis of Groundwater Related Dike Stability under Extreme Loading Conditions
van Woerkom, T.; van Beek, R.; Middelkoop, H.; Bierkens, M.F.P. - - All-RiskSubsite Publication open access journal