NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Global Sensitivity Analysis of Groundwater Related Dike Stability under Extreme Loading Conditions

van Woerkom, T.; van Beek, R.; Middelkoop, H.; Bierkens, M.F.P. - - All-Risk
To improve the understanding of groundwater related dike-stability, we performed a global sensitivity analysis on a comprehensive hydro-stability model. Dike stability is mostly dependent on the dike slope, followed by the type of subsurface material. Interaction between the dike and subsurface material is important too, as it influences both groundwater conditions and dike stability directly.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Poster "Residual Sediment Transport in a Stratified Estuary"

- Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Poster

Poster (Engels) "Introduction Trends in Suspended Sediment Fluxes across the Rhine River Basin (1958-2016)"

- Rivers2Morrow


Report Synthesis Rivers2Morrow

- Rivers2Morrow
In this synthesis report, more information can be found regarding the Rivers2Morrow Program and it's projects.

Subsite General Information Rivers2Morrow

A regularization strategy for the two-dimensional active layer model

- Rivers2Morrow
We propose a different regularization strategy that guarantees that the two-dimensional active layer model is well-posed. We implement the two-dimensional regularization strategy in Delft30-FM and apply it to an idealized case and a field case.

Subsite Other

Poster "Mid-century Channel Response to Climate Change in the Lower Rhine River"

- Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Poster

Poster (Engels) "Saved or starved? The importance of sediment management in determining the future response of estuaries and deltas"

- Rivers2Morrow


Life cycle greenhouse gas benefits or burdens of residual biomass from landscape management

- RiverCare
Residual biomass from landscape management can contribute to both greenhouse gas benefits and burdens, depending on the application.

Subsite Publication open access

Global Sensitivity Analysis of Groundwater Related Dike Stability under Extreme Loading Conditions

van Woerkom, T.; van Beek, R.; Middelkoop, H.; Bierkens, M.F.P. - - All-Risk
Om de kennis over grondwatergerelateerde dijkstabiliteit te vergroten, hebben we een globale gevoeligheidsanalyse uitgevoerd op een uitgebreid hydro-stabiliteitsmodel. Dijkstabiliteit is vooral afhankelijk van de helling van het talud, gevolgd door het type materiaal. Ook de interactie tussen dijk en ondergrond is van belang, omdat deze direct invloed heeft op zowel de grondwaterstanden als de dijkstabiliteit.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Rapport Synthese Rivers2Morrow

- Rivers2Morrow
In dit synthese rapport is meer informatie te vinden over het Rivers2Morrow Programma en de bijbehorende projecten.

Subsite Algemene Informatie Rivers2Morrow