Found 6 Blogs - Page 1 of 1
In memoriam of those who once contributed to RiverCare
11/06/2018 by dr. ir. Denie Augustijn
In a four years period (2014-2019), there have been certainly many people who contributed to our work. However in 2018, two people passed away...
Side channel dynamics from the perspective of four-years research
17/06/2019 by Pepijn van Denderen
Side channels are common river interventions, but how do they develop and how fast do they fill with sediment?
How to use biomass from riverine areas? Two projects, two approaches, one PhD journey
17/06/2019 by Swinda Pfau
A transdisciplinary approach to sustainable biomass use: combining green house gas emission calculations and interviews with river managers.
Follow the pretty pebbles
01/06/2017 by Victor Chavarrias
Victor's research aims at predicting how the river will behave if water management authorities consider to add sand to the river.
Framing collaborative governance: Looking back and forward this PhD journey
12/03/2018 by Jan Fliervoet
First RiverCare PhD thesis. An interdisciplinary journey to understand the framing on the maintenance of Dutch floodplains.
The rivers of the future initiative is taken up
30/01/2018 by dr. Ralph Schielen
RiverCare is now well on its course and is delivering great results. Rijkswaterstaat is involved in all user committees and tries to incorporate the...
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