

About us

About us

Why Rivers2Morrow?

The Dutch rivers flow through a densely populated and intensively used delta. They are the vital lifeline for many people and numerous economic activities. Maintaining river functions is becoming increasingly complex. Climate change, sea level rise and largescale human intervention have a major impact on the balance of our rivers. In fact, maintaining the respective river functions on which so many Dutch people depend is impossible if we do not know how the rivers will develop in the long term.

Figure 1, The IJssel near Deventer, (source:, Rijkswaterstaat , Ruimte voor de Rivier / Werry Crone).


Rivers2Morrow’s insights help, among other things, to underpin the policy program “Integral River Management”. In which new policy on the future discharge capacity and bed position of the rivers is being prepared. This policy will help in a future-proof river system that can be used multiple times and functions well as a system.

At the same time, Rivers2Morrow’s insights can make river management and maintenance more efficient. In this way, the research results are given a place in the management models and guidelines that are used in the design of the river area. Rijkswaterstaat’s regional units use these instruments in the interest of people, animals and natural, cultural and landscape values ​​in and along the rivers.

Program Outline

In the program we focus on the policy themes of flood risk management, navigability, water availability and nature & water quality. The eight research themes are each linked to a specific policy question. We focus on the interaction between water movement, sediment transport and morphology.

This image will also be used as theme guideline for the background information and the projects mentioned on this website. Relevant policy themes will be indicated with a blue circle around them.


The infographic below summarizes the research focus, and the questions from policy and management in relation to this focus.  The synthesis report (Ten Brinke, 2020) provides more background information on policy development for the policy themes of Flood risk management, Navigability, Water availability and Nature & Water quality.

For more details, check this out!

Synthesis Rivers2Morrow

In this synthesis report, more information can be found regarding the Rivers2Morrow Program and it's projects.

24/06/2022 by Wilfried ten Brinke

Contains: General Information Rivers2Morrow

The Team

Find out who are in the team


Find an overview of our partners


The collaborations of Rivers2Morrow

Who Are We?

What will come to the Dutch rivers in the future is pre-eminently relevant and important for the responsible authorities. That is why the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (DG Water and Soil formulates the policy) and Rijkswaterstaat are funding Rivers2Morrow.

The universities conducting the studies are Delft University of Technology, Twente University, Utrecht University and Wageningen University & Research. The research will also make frequent use of the knowledge available at knowledge institute Deltares and specialized engineering firms like HKV Lijn in Water and RoyalHaskoningDHV.

Rivers2Morrow is managed by Rijkswaterstaat. Each researcher has his or her own supervision team consisting of expert users, varying from the government, engineering firm or regional stakeholders.

From ltr: (1) Kifayath Chowdhury (PhD TU Delft); (2) Marcel van de Perk (Supervisor Tatiana Edler, UU); (3) Evelien van Eijsbergen (Project leader, RWS); (4) Max Schropp (User committee Kifayath, RWS); (5) Hermjan Barneveld (PhD, WUR); (6) Lieke Lokin (PhD, University of Twente); (7) Judith Zomer (PhD, WUR); (8) Ralph Schielen (Project leader, Supervisor, RWS/TUD); (9) Clàudia Ylla Arbós (PhD, TU Delft); (10) Jana Cox (PhD, UU); (11) Tatjana Edler (PhD, WUR); (12) Matthijs Boersema (Former project leader, RWS); (13) Astrid Blom (Supervisor, TU Delft); (14) Ton Hoitink (Supervisor, WUR); (15) Iris Niesten (PhD, WUR); (16) Michiel Reneerkens (User committee, RWS).


Evelien van Eijsbergen

dr. Ralph Schielen

Stanford Wilson

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Iris Niesten

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Last modified: 06/10/2023