NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.
Tomorrow’s Rivers
Niesten et al. - 2024 - PublicationsImplementing participatory monitoring in river management: The role of stakeholders' perspectives and incentives
Verbrugge, L.N.H.; Ganzevoort, W.; Fliervoet, J.M.; Panten, K. and Born, R.J.G. van den - 15/06/2017 - RiverCareSubsite Dataset upon request
Nieuwsbrief rivierkundig onderzoek - februari 2017
Arjen Sieben, Frans Buschman - 01/02/2017 - KPP River research
From Catchment to Delta
Hoitink, A.J.F., de Ruijsscher, T.V., Geertsema, T.J., Makaske, B., Wallinga, J., Candel, J.H.J., Poelman, J. (Eds.) - 01/02/2017
A stakeholder’s evaluation of collaborative processes for maintaining multi-functional floodplains: a Dutch case study
Fliervoet, J. M., van den Born, R. J. G., & Meijerink, S. V. - 30/01/2017 - RiverCareSubsite
Oblique aggradation: a novel explanation for sinuosity of low‐energy streams in peat‐filled valley systems
Candel, J. H. J., Makaske, B., Storms, J. E. A., & Wallinga, J. - 07/12/2016 - RiverCareSubsite Dataset access Publication open access Storyline for practice
From implementation towards maintenance: sustaining collaborative initiatives for integrated floodplain management in the Netherlands
Fliervoet, J. M., & van den Born, R. J. G. - 06/07/2016 - RiverCareSubsite Publication open access
Nieuwsbrief rivierkundig onderzoek - December 2015
Arjen Sieben, Frans Buschman - 01/12/2015 - KPP River research
Bridging gaps between river science, governance and management
Lenders, H.J.R, F.P.L. Collas, G.W. Geerling, R.S.E.W. Leuven (Eds.) - 02/10/2015
Analyzing collaborative governance through Social Network Analysis: A Case Study of River Management Along the Waal River in The Netherlands
Fliervoet, J. M., Geerling,G. W., Mostert, E., Smits, A.J. M. - 01/09/2015 - RiverCareSubsite Dataset upon request
NCR Days 2014
D.C.M. Augustijn, J.J. Warmink (eds.) - 02/10/2014